Sunday, July 24, 2011


Since my sister's had my nephew, one of her friends set up an account for her family on MealBaby for free.

With my first baby, I really thought baby gifts were fun. With my second, meals were awesome!

You can put in your food likes and dislikes when you register. My sister had on her's, "No seafood please." and "We love fruits and veggies!" Then you can pick places you like in case people do not like to cook.

They have a built in calender to sign up for the date and time you are bringing food. Then you can post what you plan on bringing. I love the calender they have set up! I could see what and when people were bringing my sister something.

They send you a reminder email after you've signed up to bring something.

This is is a great thing to sign up for new moms!

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