Tuesday, February 1, 2011

CSN | Stores $35 Giveaway!

CSN | Stores is giving one of my readers a $35 gift certificate.
CSN | Stores has so many things to choose from with their 200 + stores.
I had a chance to do a review for them on my family site, The Apel's.
I picked out a night light made by Oxo called Candela Roomi. This product is both functional and fun!

CSN | Stores has most anything you can think of! They have a great selection of baby items, lighting and rocking chairs.

 CSN | Stores is giving away to one lucky reader a $35 gift certificate! 

You can enter if you are not a blogger. Leave a separate entry for each. Make sure the first 2 mandatory entries are filled out before all others.
  1. For your first mandatory entry, check out CSN | Stores Baby and Kid section and tell me what you'd pick out with your gift certificate if you won! one entry
  2. Leave your email address. one entry
The other entries are optional. Be sure to leave a new comment for each.
  1. Google Friend this blog. one entry
  2. Add my Milking the Issue button to your site. Leave me your site link. one entry
  3. {Like} CSN | Stores on Facebook. Leave your Facebook name in your entry. one entry
  4. Leave a comment on a non giveaway post. Let me know the title of the post you comment on. You are free to leave many comments, but only one entry for this giveaway. one entry
  5. Blog about this giveaway. Link back to me and CSN | Stores. Leave a link. five entries
  6. Vote for me on We're on the Fence! Just click on the button to vote. one entry
  7. Enter my other CSN | Stores giveaway on Cookie Art. five entries
You do not need to enter all of the entries to be qualified, just the first mandatory entry.
Remember to leave your email address if it is not public in your profile.
This contest closes in 2 weeks, February 15 at 10 pm.
The winner will be chosen using random.org.

Disclaimer: The opinions on this post are my personal take on the products. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. I am not compensated to provide my opinion except for receiving the products themselves to test out. If you have questions about this post please contact me at: alissa4illustration@hotmail.com


Domestic Diva said...

I'd use it to get this blanket:

We need a cuddly throw for our reading nook.

A plan toys rail set also looks like fun.

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

Domestic Diva said...

I entered on ca

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

Domestic Diva said...

I entered on ca

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

Domestic Diva said...

I entered on ca

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

Domestic Diva said...

I entered on ca

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

Domestic Diva said...

I entered on ca

lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

abby said...

I would like the Mutsy Booster Seat in apple green.

abby said...

awinters AT gmail

abby said...

Like CSN on facebook: abby b.w.

abby said...

Voted for you today

Suburban prep said...

I would probably put this towards the X Rocker - 94826 - Sweet Spot Plum Vinyl Video Bean Bag

msgb245 at gmail dot com

Rose said...

They have a great selection of babyproofing items. I would get a bunch of cabinet locks.

kilgoregraphics at yahoo dot com

abby said...

Entered giveaway on Cookie art
entry 1

abby said...

Entered giveaway on Cookie art
entry 2

abby said...

Entered giveaway on Cookie art
entry 3

abby said...

Entered giveaway on Cookie art
entry 4

abby said...

Entered giveaway on Cookie art
entry 5

Dee said...

deeg131 at gmail dot com

Dee said...

I'd get the cloudb twilight seaturtle night light! :)

deeg131 at gmail dot com

Dee said...

I like csn on fb as Dee G

deeg131 at gmail dot com

Dee said...

entered your other giveaway

deeg131 at gmail dot com

Dee said...

entered your other giveaway

deeg131 at gmail dot com


Dee said...

entered your other giveaway

deeg131 at gmail dot com


Dee said...

entered your other giveaway

deeg131 at gmail dot com


Dee said...

entered your other giveaway

deeg131 at gmail dot com


Dee said...


deeg131 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'd buy the North States - 4638 - Wide Stairway Swing Gate

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

GFC follower
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I like CSN on Facebook: Michelle Hudak
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I voted at Picket Fence

shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I entered your CSN giveaway at Cookie Art
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I entered your CSN giveaway at Cookie Art
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I entered your CSN giveaway at Cookie Art
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I entered your CSN giveaway at Cookie Art
shel704 at aol dot com

Unknown said...

I entered your CSN giveaway at Cookie Art
shel704 at aol dot com

Jessica said...

My toddler is into arts and crafts, so I'd use the GC for paints and chalk. They would work out perfectly with his new art easel that he received for Christmas.

Jessica AT TheUnemployedMom DOT com

Anonymous said...

My email is
Jessica AT TheUnemployedMom DOT com

Jessica said...

I also commented on your wordless Wednesday post.

Jessica AT TheUnemployedMom DOT com

LeftCostaMom said...

The Big Red Fire engine playhouse is so cute!
leftcostamom at gmail dot com

LeftCostaMom said...

leaving my email
leftcostamom at gmail

LeftCostaMom said...

entered giveaway at your other site!
leftcostamom at gmaiml

JaZZ said...

I would buy these adorable flats for my daughter.

One Ruby Lane - Melissa - Black - Melissa Mary Jane in Black


JaZZ said...


JaZZ said...

Following on GFC'

JaZZ said...

Added the Milking the Issue button

JaZZ said...

Liked CSN on FB
Jazmin T

JaZZ said...

You have just voted for Milking the Issue!

JaZZ said...

Entered CSN giveaway @ Cookie Art

JaZZ said...

Entered CSN giveaway @ Cookie Art

JaZZ said...

Entered CSN giveaway @ Cookie Art

JaZZ said...

Entered CSN giveaway @ Cookie Art

JaZZ said...

Entered CSN giveaway @ Cookie Art

JaZZ said...


JaZZ said...


JaZZ said...


JaZZ said...


JaZZ said...


smashbravo said...

My little girls would love this scooter!
VM Global Manufacturing - TS-277 - 3 Wheel Scooter Girl

smashbravo said...


smashbravo said...

Button on right hand sidebar

smashbravo said...

Like CSN on FB

smashbravo said...

You have just voted for Milking the Issue! Remember, you can vote every day.

smashbravo said...

Entered your 2nd CSN giveway~

smashbravo said...

Entered your 2nd CSN giveway~

smashbravo said...

Entered your 2nd CSN giveway~

smashbravo said...

Entered your 2nd CSN giveway~

smashbravo said...

Entered your 2nd CSN giveway~

Lin said...

It's time to get a convertible carseat and put the infant seat away, so I'd spend the giftcard on a Sunshine Radian XTSL!

linwaites (at) gmail (dot) com

Lin said...

Following on GFC.

linwaites (at) gmail (dot) com

Lin said...

Liked CSN Stores on FB

Lindsay Waites

Lin said...

Voted at Picket Fences

linwaites (at) gmail (dot) com

Lin said...

Entered the contest at Cookie Art!

linwaites (at) gmail (dot) com

Debbie said...

I'd get these lego bases: http://www.csnstores.com/LEGO-LG-9286-LEO1351.html

Debbie said...

Voted on on the fence.

Debbie said...

Entered at Cookie Art.
entry 1

Debbie said...

Entered at Cookie Art.
entry 2

Debbie said...

Entered at Cookie Art.
entry 3

Debbie said...

Entered at Cookie Art.
entry 4

Debbie said...

Entered at Cookie Art.
entry 5

alexis said...

I would get the Momeni Lil' Mo - Lil Mo Whimsy Steel Blue Kids Rug.

lexbyam at gmail dot com

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

I would get a melissa & doug doll bed! :)

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

odebt at yahoo dot com

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

Like CSN Stores on fb
heather lynne

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

I entered the cookie art giveaway (1)

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

I entered the cookie art giveaway (2)

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

I entered the cookie art giveaway (3)

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

I entered the cookie art giveaway (4)

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

I entered the cookie art giveaway (5)

Tana said...

I'd like to get Kid's 8 Peg Coat Rack.
chillbabie at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

i would buy my son a big boy car seat
tcogbill at live dot com

Anonymous said...

i follow you gfc
tcogbill at live dot com

Anonymous said...

i like csn on fb
tess c
tcogbill at live dot com

Anonymous said...

i voted for you on the fence
tcogbill at live dot com

Anonymous said...

i entered at cookie art for the csn giveaway
tcogbill at live dot com

Anonymous said...

i entered at cookie art for the csn giveaway
tcogbill at live dot com

Anonymous said...

i entered at cookie art for the csn giveaway
tcogbill at live dot com

Anonymous said...

i entered at cookie art for the csn giveaway
tcogbill at live dot com

Anonymous said...

i entered at cookie art for the csn giveaway
tcogbill at live dot com

Unknown said...

I would get the summer infant to toddler bath center


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I like CSN on Facebook


Hippie4ever said...

I' d put it toward a minigide bike Thanks silenttributary at yahoo dot com

Tim said...

I would get this table and chair set.

tahearn at roadrunner dot com

Anonymous said...

3 Sprouts - 718122228034 - Organic Hippo Hooded Towel in Purple
A hooded towel is perfect to wrap the kiddies up after a bath, plus it has a hook to hang in the bathroom!


Create With Joy said...

The starfish baby monitor would make a great gift:


createwithjoy at gmail dot com

Create With Joy said...

My email is below for entry 2

createwithjoy at gmail dot com

Create With Joy said...

1 -Entered your Cookie Art Giveaway

createwithjoy at gmail dot com

Create With Joy said...

2 -Entered your Cookie Art Giveaway

createwithjoy at gmail dot com

Create With Joy said...

3 -Entered your Cookie Art Giveaway

createwithjoy at gmail dot com

Create With Joy said...

4 - Entered your Cookie Art Giveaway

createwithjoy at gmail dot com

Create With Joy said...

5 - Entered your Cookie Art Giveaway

createwithjoy at gmail dot com

Create With Joy said...

New GFC Follower

createwithjoy at gmail dot com

Create With Joy said...

Your button is on my sidebar under CSN SPONSORS at Create With Joy!

createwithjoy at gmail dot com

Create With Joy said...

I voted for you On The Fence!

createwithjoy at gmail dot com

Diana said...

Would love the kids ice cream set

Diana said...

I follow on GFC

Diana said...

I like CSN stores on FB

Diana said...

I entered your giveaway on cookie art (1)

Diana said...

I entered your giveaway on cookie art (2)

Diana said...

I entered your giveaway on cookie art (3)

Diana said...

I entered your giveaway on cookie art (4)

Diana said...

I entered your giveaway on cookie art (5)

Julie D. said...

I'd get this lamp shade

Julie D. said...


Julie D. said...

GFC follower

Julie D. said...

I like CSN stores on Facebook (Jay Dee)

Unknown said...

I would love to use the CG to get my toddler a Gymnic Hop Ball: http://www.csnstores.com/Gymnic-HOP45Y-GIC1005.html
Those things are so cool!!!
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I'm a GFC follower
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I like CSN on Facebook - Alicia Crenshaw
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I entered your CSN giveaway on Cookie Art #1
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I entered your CSN giveaway on Cookie Art #2
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I entered your CSN giveaway on Cookie Art #3
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I entered your CSN giveaway on Cookie Art #4
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I entered your CSN giveaway on Cookie Art #5
ohmiss14 at yahoo dot com

Baby Mama said...

gfc sarah_roxy_21

Baby Mama said...

A new stroller

Baby Mama said...


Unknown said...

I would pick these lovely Teamson Kids Magic Garden Book Ends: http://www.csnstores.com/Teamson-Kids-W-9838A-TMD1220.html
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

My email address is rararomp at gmail dot com.

Unknown said...

I'm your public GFC follower Rae T. (Auqakuh).
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

CSN Stores Facebook fan Raegen T.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#1 I blogged with links: http://contest-for-that.blogspot.com/2011/02/milking-issue-csn-stores-35-giveaway.html
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#2 I blogged with links: http://contest-for-that.blogspot.com/2011/02/milking-issue-csn-stores-35-giveaway.html
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#3 I blogged with links: http://contest-for-that.blogspot.com/2011/02/milking-issue-csn-stores-35-giveaway.html
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#4 I blogged with links: http://contest-for-that.blogspot.com/2011/02/milking-issue-csn-stores-35-giveaway.html
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#5 I blogged with links: http://contest-for-that.blogspot.com/2011/02/milking-issue-csn-stores-35-giveaway.html
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

"You have just voted for Milking the Issue!" (Picket Fence Blogs vote #22) 15 FEB
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#1 I entered your CSN Stores giveaway on Cookie Art.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#2 I entered your CSN Stores giveaway on Cookie Art.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#3 I entered your CSN Stores giveaway on Cookie Art.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#4 I entered your CSN Stores giveaway on Cookie Art.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

#5 I entered your CSN Stores giveaway on Cookie Art.
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I commented on your post "Cora Carolina is Our New Sponsor!".
rararomp at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would LIKE to get the Novica - 142119 - Honored Turtle Jewelry Box

Unknown said...

Follow Milking the Issue via GFC [Geraldine Sandoval]

Unknown said...

LIKE CSN Stores on FB [Geri Sandoval]

Unknown said...

I just voted for Milking the Issue! @ We're on the Fence

Unknown said...

#1 - Entered the CSN Stores giveaway @ Cookie Art

Unknown said...

#2 - Entered the CSN Stores giveaway @ Cookie Art

Unknown said...

#3 - Entered the CSN Stores giveaway @ Cookie Art

Unknown said...

#4 - Entered the CSN Stores giveaway @ Cookie Art

Unknown said...

#5 - Entered the CSN Stores giveaway @ Cookie Art

kerismommy said...

I would get my daughter some of the nouns, verbs and opposite card sets

kerismommy said...


kerismommy said...

follow via GFC

kerismommy said...

voted on picket fence

janetfaye said...

I would get two Trend Lab - 106517 - Chibi Plush Giraffi Stuffed Animal.

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Mandy said...

they have a pink zebra clock i love!

Mandy said...

i follow on GFC

Beckeesdeals said...

I think I would put this toward a new stroller.
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

Beckeesdeals said...

I think I would put this toward a new stroller.
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

Beckeesdeals said...

GFc follower
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

Mama of 3 said...

I would get the mega blocks catokayyou21@gmail.com Love CSN

Mama of 3 said...


Mama of 3 said...

follow your blog catokayyou21@gmail.com

Mama of 3 said...

like CSN on FB bridgette bowtique reviews

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

I'd get a melissa & doug dollbed for my daughters!

Heather @ Raising Memories Blog said...

I like csn on facebook (Heather Lynne)

Texas Type A Mom said...

I'd love to buy my daughter some new Melissa & Doug puzzles!

Texas Type A Mom said...


Texas Type A Mom said...

Facebook fan of CSN - Kelly Tee