Sunday, June 12, 2011

Barefoot Books Review

I can't stress enough how important reading is. Even when your child is a baby, they still love the sound of your voice as you read. They may squirm and act as though they are not paying attention at all. Eventually the squirming stops. Before too long they start handing you books.

About Barefoot Books:

Barefoot Books is all about exploration, imagination, creation, connecting and giving back. They emphasize nourishing the imagination. Their books have a creative spark that they believe everyone has within.  

About the Book:

I won my choice of a book from Barefoot Books.  I decided to let my five year old pick which book he would like. He decided on Jack and the Beanstalk. Mica had heard the tale of Jack and the Beanstalk before; but not like it was told in this book.

Retold By: Richard Walker
Illustrated By: Niamh Sharkey
Narrated By: Richard Hope 

The tale is clever! I love the illustrations. Illustration was my major all throughout college and grad school. Naturally it's the first thing I look at in a children's book. The story comes on a CD. It's not a dry read. I love the CD for when we travel and when I'm busy cooking in the kitchen. 

Mica decided to take this book over to Grandma and Grandpa's house. They read it more times then they could count. Isaak my three year old sits through it as well. Although Mica has claimed the book as his. 

I asked Mica to come outside to take pictures of the book. He decided to act like the giant. I think it's great how his mind works! Although if I knew he was going to act like the giant, I would have changed his shirt. ;)

Plant some magic beans. They will grow into something that will take you on an adventure!


The opinions on this post are my personal take on the products. This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. I am not compensated to provide my opinion except for receiving the products themselves to test out.
Barefoot Books provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so choose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.

If you have questions about this post please contact me at:

1 comment:

Bushra said...

You have got such a cute family. And both blogs are very nice, specially this one is very informative.
Bushra Syed